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By: Connie Watkins Bales, PhD

  • Professor in Medicine
  • Senior Fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development

Despite having over 70 people in each local and global group hypertension zoloft plavix 75 mg with amex, the global group was significantly more accurate in only one study blood pressure chart cdc order plavix 75mg without a prescription, and even then the difference in accuracy was just 14% (it was 8% blood pressure understanding cheap generic plavix canada, 6%, 4%, and A1% in the other studies). Taken to gether with the present results, this suggests that the processing bias effect is, at best, weak and difficult to replicate. As such, it does not provide an effective or powerful means to probe global, configural processing effects. The present results are also consistent with those reported by Large and McMullen (2006). They reported weak and unreliable effects of global versus local processing biases on basic level object recognition (with, at most, a 15 ms benefit for global priming) and more reliable but still very small effects on subordinate level object recognition (with, at most, a 30 ms benefit for local priming). The present studies did not directly replicate those of Macrae and Lewis (2002) and Perfect (2003), and it is possible that there remain important methodological differences to these earlier studies. It may be necessary to see multiple views or moving views of the recognition target at study to demonstrate strong processing bias effects. Knight and Johns to n (1997) reported that upright (but not inverted) moving faces were recognized more accurately than static faces. They suggested that this pattern of results could be explained if the benefit of motion was due to improved global, configural information that was destroyed by inverting the faces. However, these results were only obtained for faces shown in negative that looked unnatural and were difficult to recognize. No benefit of motion was obtained for normal, positive faces, and only famous faces were tested. A recent review concluded that there was only mixed evidence that face or body motion information aids unfamiliar face recognition (O�Toole, Roark, & Abdi, 2002; but see also Knappmeyer, Thorn to n, & Bulthoff,fi 2003; Lander & Bruce, 2003). Also, in their meta-analysis of verbal overshadowing studies, Meissner and Brigham (2001) found no difference between studies showing videos or live ac to rs at study versus studies presenting static pho to graphs. In the present studies, both Macrae and Lewis, and Perfect presented static pictures of faces at test. Even if motion sometimes benefits unfamiliar face recognition, it seems unlikely that the advantage of global, configural processing is eliminated when matching s to red representations of moving stimuli to static stimuli. In sum, although it is possible that global, configural processing is more important when moving faces are presented at study, this seems unlikely to explain why no processing bias effects were found here. Another difference to note between the earlier studies and those reported here was the nature of the processing bias task for the control group. In contrast, the control group in Macrae and Lewis (2002) and Perfect (2003) read from a magazine or a novel. Reading seems a surprising choice as a control task since it requires a visual input and it should encourage local processing. In any case, the control groups here performed similarly to the local and global groups, so there is no reason to indicate that the choice of control task could explain the lack of processing bias effects in the present studies. The number of stimuli presented at encoding and the presentation duration at encoding also differed between the present studies and those of Macrae and Lewis, and Perfect. Again, it is possible that these differences influence pro cessing biases, though there seems no reason to suggest that they are important fac to rs. If so, then improved performance would be predicted for Navon stimuli similar in size to the recognition test stimuli. An alternative account is that the different sizes of the global and local Navon letters might encourage people to prioritize the processing of low or high spatial frequencies respectively (Lamb & Yund, 1993; Shulman & Wilson, 1987), with the former strategy being more effective for the global, configural processing of faces (Goffaux, Gauthier, & Rossion, 2003; Goffaux, Hault, Michel, Vuong, & Rossion, 2005). Global versus local organization is orthogonal to coarse versus fine spatial frequencies (see Figure 3 of Morrison & Schyns, 2001; see also Oliva & Schyns, 1997), so either or both effects could produce a processing bias effect. The size of the Navon stimuli was not specified in the studies of Macrae and Lewis (2002) or Perfect (2003). However, the global Navon letters shown in the present studies were similar in size to the target faces, words, and objects, whilst the local Navon letters were much smaller (see Figure 1). Therefore, on the attentional cueing account outlined above, there should have been a global processing benefit for all three types of stimuli. On the spatial frequency account, there should at least have been a global group advantage for face recognition. Furthermore, any such effects should have been particularly strong in the present studies because each recognition memory trial was immediately preceded by three Navon trials, so throughout the recognition phase the global group were encouraged to attend at the optimal scale and to process lower spatial frequencies. Thus, all three accounts (preferential processing of global versus local levels of stimulus organization, or of lower versus higher spatial frequencies, or of larger versus smaller spatial areas) predict better face recognition for the global group. It is important to emphasize that the present null results do not provide evidence for or against these accounts.


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Therefore blood pressure normal high purchase plavix 75 mg line, despite the outlined relationships pulse pressure glaucoma purchase plavix visa, currently no specific diet recommendations can be made hypertension and pregnancy buy plavix 75 mg free shipping. It should also be stressed here that a diet that does not cause weight gain is recommended (see Chapter 3. Recommendation B evel of Evidence Evidence from update literature search: [34-38] 2a Consensus Background Despite controversial data, the evidence is sufficient to recommend a fiber rich diet of 30 g/day [34-38]. A current British study that summarizes data from seven cohort studies showed an inverse correlation between fiber uptake and cancer risk. The comparison of the daily fiber consumption of 10 and 24 g in this study demonstrated that a higher consumption was associated with a colon cancer risk reduction of 30 % [34]. In another study which summarized 13 prospective cohort studies showed similar results. Although the pooling project of prospective studies of diet and cancer demonstrated an even greater range between the lowest and highest quintile of fiber uptake, a significant inverse correlation was observed between fiber consumption and cancer risk after age-adjusted analysis, but not after adjustment according to other diet related risk fac to rs [37]. These limited positive data may be due to the fact that the recording of the fiber consumption was merely done at the start of the study, which may reflect an incorrect long-term uptake. Despite the limited results, the remaining statements are very robust, because they are based on a large collective. Recommendation B Level of Evidence Evidence from update literature search: [39-42] 2a Consensus Background � German Guideline Program in Oncology | Evidenced-based Guideline for Colorectal Cancer | Version 2. Abstinent persons and persons who drink little alcohol have a significantly lower cancer risk [39-42]. A meta-analysis of 14 prospective cohort studies showed that already an alcohol intake of 100 g per week is associated with a 15 % increase in colon as well as rectal cancer risk [42]. The risk correlates with the amount of alcohol consumed not with the type of alcoholic beverage [40]. Evidence-based Recommendation 2013 Grade of Red or processed meat should only be consumed in small amounts (not daily). The positive association is most likely due to the processing and preparation as demonstrated by data of the Prostate, lung, colorectal, and ovarian cancer trials. Evidence-based Statement 2013 Level of Evidence No recommendation can be given about an increased fish consumption. A comparison of the lowest and highest weekly fish uptake showed that higher consumption is associated with a 12 % lower cancer risk. The greater the difference between the lowest and highest fish uptake was, the more pronounced the correlation became [48]. This is probably due to the different amounts of fish that were consumed in the different studies [43, 45, 46, 48-50]. Even though it can be assumed that eating more fish can � German Guideline Program in Oncology | Evidenced-based Guideline for Colorectal Cancer | Version 2. However, it is unknown which components (fiber, secondary plant products) have this protective effect. Consensus Background It has been repeatedly discussed whether food preparation or the proportion of potentially to xic fatty acids. Furthermore, there are no � German Guideline Program in Oncology | Evidenced-based Guideline for Colorectal Cancer | Version 2. An effect resulting from cofac to rs such as intake of red meat or type of preparation cannot be sufficiently differentiated [31, 32, 38, 48, 58-60]. Recommendation 2013 Grade of At this time there are no verified data on the effective prevention of Recommendation colorectal cancer by micronutrients. Evidence basis 2b vitamins de Novo: [65] 3b including -carotene de Novo: [65] 3b vitamin A de Novo: [65] 4. A moderate clinically non-relevant inhibi to ry effect on the recurrence of colon adenomas was observed for calcium [73-75]. A meta-analysis [65] demonstrated, on the contrary, that supplementation of the aforementioned vitamins, alone or in combination was associated with an increased general mortality. The correlation of low selenium levels in serum and an increased adenoma risk is not sufficient to make a recommendation on selenium supplementation [77, 78]. Recommendation B Level of Evidence de Novo: [83] 2b Strong consensus � German Guideline Program in Oncology | Evidenced-based Guideline for Colorectal Cancer | Version 2. However, all three studies showed a pronounced increase in cardiovascular morbidity.

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