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By: Connie Watkins Bales, PhD

  • Professor in Medicine
  • Senior Fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development

The goal of triage is to blood sugar 400 and above order actoplus met with a visa maximize survival for the greatest number of individuals utilizing available resources managing diabetes 800 discount 500 mg actoplus met with amex. In a disaster diabetes signs of pregnancy buy actoplus met online pills, triage takes on increased importance due to limited resources and burn treatment expertise. Many local and state agencies already have established systems for on-scene triage. It is imperative that everyone involved in disaster response be familiar with this methodology, including how and when it is activated and, most of all, what criteria will be utilized to make decisions. Hospital personnel must have a working knowledge of the pre-hospital triage system. Incident command is a standardized system used to establish command, control and coordination of a disaster situation, especially when multiple agencies are involved. Primary triage occurs at the disaster scene or at the emergency room of the frst receiving hospital. Primary triage should be handled according to local and state mass casualty disaster plans. Government and American Burn Association resources will be critical in coordinating the evaluation and transfer of burn patients from the local area to regional burn resource locations for defnitive care (secondary triage). Scene Safety the scene at any disaster is often hectic and seemingly out of control. Decisions pertaining to use of personal protective equipment and the ability to deliver immediate care will be determined by the hazardous elements causing the problem. No one should ever place himself or herself in danger when there is little chance for improving the status of the situation. The incident management team must conduct a risk management assessment for circumstances at hand. All individuals operating within the confnes of the emergency must understand that foolhardy acts may have an impact on themselves and others, and can affect the overall outcome of an incident. Triage System and Tags Color-coded tags are used during a mass casualty incident to triage who should/should not receive immediate care. Each state or jurisdiction may have their own version however; the basic principles are the same. Hospital personnel should be familiar with the triage tags used in your locale to facilitate understanding of the pre-hospital assessment and care provided prior to hospital arrival. In order of priority, there are four triage categories: Immediate/Red: immediate treatment needed to save life, limb, or sight (highest priority). Delayed/Yellow: less urgent than immediate, but still potential for life or limb threatening issues. These patients are not in danger of going into immediate cardiac or respiratory arrest. These are patients who are ambulatory, alert and oriented and have no life or limb threatening injuries. Treatment may need to be denied to patients with severe injuries who, under more favorable circumstances, are theoretically salvageable. In this way, the greatest number of patients beneft from the limited care and resources available. Health care providers who are inexperienced with calculating this may wish to consider implementing one or more of the following strategies, if staffng allows: 1. Use digital photographs and coordinate consultation with the nearest regional burn center via the scene incident commander when possible. In general: � Patients with burns do not develop decompensated shock immediately after injury, unless there are associated injuries or medical conditions in addition to the burn. Defnitive treatment must be delayed or withheld for expectant patients in order to adequately treat those with a better chance of survival. Survivability thresholds will depend on the magnitude of the event and the resources available locally, regionally and nationally.

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However diabetes insipidus webmd trusted actoplus met 500 mg, when coloni zation with certain organisms occurs diabetes kit bag buy actoplus met online pills, the outcome may be devastating for the neonate diabetes type 2 insulin dependent trusted 500 mg actoplus met, the mother, or both. Health care-associated infections result in increased morbidity and mortality, prolonged lengths of hospital stay, and increased medical costs. This definition should be applied consistently to allow uniform reporting and analysis of health care associated infections. The infection-control committee of each hospital should work with perinatal care personnel to ensure that appropriate surveillance of health care-associated infection is being performed. Labor and Delivery Admission Policy the pediatric health care provider should be notified of all mothers admitted to the antepartum obstetrics unit who are colonized with or are chronic car riers of a potentially infectious organism that may be transmitted vertically to the neonate (eg, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B or hepatitis C virus, herpes simplex virus, influenza, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus, vancomycin-resistant enterococcus) or may be associated with a congenital infection. Both group A streptococci and group B streptococci are pathogens that may be indigenous to the female genital tract, and both may cause serious, life-threatening infection in the mother and newborn. Infants with suspected infectious diseases should be admitted to specialized areas where additional transmission precautions (airborne, contact, droplet) can be provided to minimize the risks of spreading the infection to others. When clusters of infections caused by a single strain of bacteria are noted, appropriate personnel, such as hospital infection-control professionals, should be notified. Routine surveil lance cultures of infants and nursery staff can be useful to characterize and to control an outbreak of infection with a common organism. Standard precautions are intended to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens, recognizing the importance of all body fluids, secretions, excretions, and contaminated items in the trans mission of health care-associated pathogens. Instruments should not be shared, and each patient�s bedside should be considered a separate, clean envi ronment. The regulations apply to all employees in physicians� offices, hos pitals, medical laboratories, and other health care facilities where workers reason ably could be anticipated to come into contact with blood and other potentially infectious material. Each hospital should establish writ ten policies and procedures for assessing the health of personnel assigned to perinatal care services, restricting their contact with patients when necessary, maintaining their health records, and requiring staff to report any potentially infectious illness they may have. Offering annual influenza immunization to all health care providers is strongly encouraged. Given the communicability of influenza, obstetric and pediatric care practices should consider alternative prevention strategies (eg, wearing a mask) during peak influenza season for staff who are unable or unwilling to receive influenza vaccination. Such an expert panel may include the following: the health care provider�s personal physician, an infectious disease specialist with expertise in disease transmission, a health care professional with expertise in the procedures performed by the health care provider, state or local public health official(s), and a hospital epidemiologist or other member of the infection-control committee of the hospital. Individuals with a respiratory, cutaneous, mucocutaneous, or gastrointes tinal infection should not have direct contact with newborns. Personnel with exudative skin lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct patient care and should not handle patient care equipment until the condition resolves. Decisions regarding the exclusion of staff members from obstetric and nursery areas should be made on an individual basis. Personnel with herpetic hand infections (herpetic whitlow) should not participate in patient care until the lesions have healed. Acquisition of cytomegalovirus infection from infants is minimized by com pliance with standard precautions. Women of childbearing age who work in neonatal units should be counseled about the relatively low risk of exposure should they become pregnant. Personnel who care for women during pregnancy and the postpartum period and their infants should collaborate with hospital infection-control personnel in conducting and reviewing the results of surveillance programs for health care-associated infections. It also can reveal temporal trends, allow comparison with other obstetric and neonatal units by using standard definitions, and provide feedback to responsible personnel working in these units. It has become commonplace for medi cal care providers to wear surgical scrubs to and from work. This has engen dered controversy regarding the efficacy and safety of laundering surgical scrubs at home versus the hospital. Gloves should be worn when handling the placenta or the neonate until blood and amniotic fluid have been removed from the neo nate�s skin. Additional personal protective equipment may be required on the basis of isola tion requirements of the specific pathogen or clinical condition and the activity or procedure to be performed. Long hair should be restrained so that it does not touch the neonate or equip ment during patient examinations or treatments. Masks should be worn so that they cover both the nose and the mouth, and they should be discarded as soon as they are removed from the nose and mouth. For those not involved with the surgical field, a sterile operating room gown is not required, but caps, masks, and shoe covers should be worn. Intrauterine pressure catheters (for monitoring contractions or for amnio infusion) or internal fetal electrodes (for fetal heart rate monitoring) should be inserted and maintained in accordance with standard sterile techniques.

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