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By: Connie Watkins Bales, PhD

  • Professor in Medicine
  • Senior Fellow in the Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development

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On the other hand, the right not to know might be an issue for all results�and this is likely to become more contentious as genetic information is widely relied on in health care and freely circulated in clinics and hospitals. In that context, it should not be assumed that those women who really do not wish to know will be recognised as having a protective right. The Plausibility of a Claimed Right to Know and Right Not to Know With rapid developments in human genetics, while some humans might wish to know more about their own genetic profile, other humans might prefer not to inquire and not to be 6 Generally, see R. Shickle (eds), the Right to Know and the Right Not to Know, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014. Before long, advocates for those who so wish and for those who so prefer press for recognition of respectively �a right to know� and �a right not to know�. No doubt, asserting 10 these interests in knowing and not knowing as �rights� can make good political sense. The plausibility of the claimed rights: in general and in particular circumstances On the face of it, the proposition that there is a general �right to know� as well as a �right not to know� seems both vague and implausible. After all, the whole point of recognising a right to informational privacy and confidentiality is to deny that there is a general right to know. Similarly, simply because A would prefer not to know something about B, it surely does not follow (absent special circumstances) that A has a claim-right against B, or against others, that they should not disclose the information to A. If we concede that there is no general right to know, we might nevertheless argue that, in some particular contexts (such as insurance and employment) or special circumstances (such as B making the equivalent of an easy rescue by passing on potentially 11 life-saving information to A), there is a reasonable expectation that certain information will be disclosed (and, thus, a prima facie right to know). Similarly, we might argue that there are some special circumstances (for example, where A does not want to know about a close relative�s genetic profile because this information might have implications for A�s health and well-being) where there is a reasonable expectation that certain information will not be disclosed to us (and, thus, a prima facie right not to know). Scheingold, the Politics of Rights: Lawyers, Public Policy, and Political Change, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1974. Laurie (eds), Inspiring a Medico Legal Revolution (Essays in Honour of Sheila McLean), Farnham, Ashgate, 2015, 173. This is not a case of A seeking information about B or, conversely, resisting the disclosure of information about B; the information in respect of which A claims a right to know, or not to know, is about herself or her baby. If anyone has a 12 right to know, or not to know, about herself or her baby, it is surely A. While it might be accepted that A has a plausible right to know, or not to know, in relation to information that is �personal� (in the sense of being information about A)� possibly, with the rider that the information should be non-trivial, or that having or not having the information might impact negatively on A�s physical or psychological well being�there is a tricky question about whether A�s rights extend to information about her baby. For the purposes of settling the scope of A�s rights, should we treat information about A�s baby as equivalent to information about A If A is to be identified with her baby, then information about A�s baby seems to fall within the scope of A�s personal information; information about A�s baby is information about A. Characteristically, from the perspective of a rights-ethic, a human fetus is not yet a direct holder of rights (any protection that it enjoys is indirect or �precautionary�); and this 13 view is strongly supported by the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. On the other hand, rival ethics, such as those espoused by utilitarians and duty-based dignitarians will regard a 14 12-13 week fetus as having directly protected interests ; and, in Attorney General�s 12 Arguably, in relation to the health status of the baby, the father, too, has strong claims to know, or not to know; but, in the event of a conflict between the mother and the father (one wanting to know, the other not wanting to know), we might expect the mother�s interests to prevail. The mother and the foetus were two distinct organisms living symbiotically, not a 17 single organism with two aspects. Even if the baby is not integral to the mother, even if information about the baby is not the same as information about the mother, it would be incongruous to recognise the mother�s right to terminate but to deny her access to information that is relevant to that decision. Turning to the mother�s right not to know, how should we view such a claim where the information concerns, not herself as such, but her baby One possibility is that this is a special case where the mother claims the right not to know about her baby�s status. Here, the fact that the baby might be characterised as a distinct organism does not weaken the mother�s interest in not knowing.

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Ask specifically about vocal cord dysfunction anxiety symptoms 10 year old boy order cheapest venlafaxine, eczema anxiety symptoms out of the blue purchase venlafaxine cheap, and allergic rhinitis anxiety symptoms following surgery venlafaxine 75mg without prescription, comorbidities that may individually worsen asthma. Ask about exercise-induced symptoms, as they may influence the asthma severity, control classification, and the care plan. All clinicians should be familiar with the latest guidelines and be able to use them to care for patients with asthma. Undiagnosed Asthma Many families who are unstably housed have not had consistent medical care. Children may have been treated for multiple episodes of wheezing, but often by different health care providers�and thus never diagnosed with asthma. Even if the parent/guardian/child does not report a history of asthma, ask whether the child has a frequent cough, particularly at night. Inquire whether the patient has ever been prescribed an inhaler, diagnosed with wheezing, �bronchitis/bronchiolitis,�� or pneumonia. Medical Home Inquire if the child has a �medical home� (a regular source of coordinated primary care). Common barriers include, but are not limited to, lack of health insurance, change in health insurance, lack of transportation, lack of accessible clinic hours, and unaffordable co-pays. Significant Allergies Allergies can be triggers that can hinder the control of asthma. Keep in mind that many children may spend some of their time in day care or other environments with additional triggers. The results of the assessment may affect the severity/control score, treatment plan, and understanding of support services needed. Ask whether the child was smaller than normal at birth (provide a point of reference) or born prematurely. Continuity of Care Children experiencing homelessness may lack continuity of care and see many different providers because of frequent relocation. Try to identify and allay confusion about different drugs prescribed or conflicting information conveyed by multiple providers. As highlighted in the above scenario, many children who end up in homeless shelters have had multiple providers and poor continuity of care. If possible, have the parent/guardian sign a release of information to obtain the records. Ask specific questions to guide priorities, risk assessment, and treatment considerations. Especially for street youth, assess safety and ability to secure and administer medication. Environment Clearly document environmental factors that may trigger or exacerbate the patient�s asthma. Discuss mold, dust, cockroaches, mice, pets, and proximity to tunnels and busy highways nearby (air pollution). Inquire whether any member of the household smokes cigarettes, marijuana, and other substances that can create fumes, and if so, counsel appropriately. Many patients may not know their triggers, so this part of the assessment can be a good opportunity for education. Ask how the family obtains medicine, with respect to both cost and transportation. Domestic Violence and Abuse As with all patients, routinely screen for domestic violence, child abuse, neglect, and exposure to violence in the community. Family Health/Stress Understand that the family may have experienced significant access barriers to care or have an incomplete understanding of the child�s condition or treatment needs. Other shelters have full cooking facilities in the patient�s apartment, but the patient may have limited funds to use for food. Patients may live in a neighborhood with minimal access to healthy, affordable food. Those who live on the streets may be primarily living off scavenged food items that others have discarded. School Attendance It is not uncommon for a child who becomes homeless or enters the shelter system to be placed in a different school district, requiring re-enrollment. A student who is regularly missing more than 2 days per month is considered chronically absent by the Department of Education�s standards.

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This is an ingenious concept of applying variable resistance to anxiety 34 weeks pregnant best purchase for venlafaxine a free weight environment anxiety children best purchase venlafaxine. This allows the load to anxiety 4am buy 150mg venlafaxine fast delivery more closely match the strength curve and allows the lifter to accelerate the bar. The other Simmons innovation is the use of heavy elastic bands to provide resistance that is again similar to the chain idea. As the load is lowered, the band decreases in elastic energy and the load becomes lighter. As the lifter raises the bar the load again increases due to the tension placed on the band. This is also a stroke of genius but requires a coach to not only purchase bands but more importantly to monitor the condition of the bands. Simmons� methods are brilliant but besides being empirical in nature they can be costly, time consuming and in the case of bands potentially dangerous. This does not discount the brilliance of the man but does make these methods somewhat questionable from a practicality standpoint. Coaches may take some concepts from the WestSide Barbell school of thought to help an athlete improve in the bench press and may utilize concepts from the training of Olympic lifters to help an athlete improve in the hang clean, but all of these concepts must eventually meet to help the athlete to better produce and reduce force on one leg. A program of Olympic weightlifting or powerlifting will not provide the proper musculo skeletal stresses necessary to truly improve sport performance. The critics will say that this is not true but I would rather say that it is half true. Athletes need to work in single leg environments unlike those contested in sports like Olympic lifting or powerlifting to most efficiently and effectively improve sport performance. Lifts like the squat, bench press and hang clean are part of the solution but, must be complemented with specific exercises to develop the single leg extension patterns of the hip and knee. Olympic Lifting Much like the West Side system, some coaches have adopted a philosophy based on the sport of Olympic weightlifting. Athletes are again taken and trained for another sport to hopefully improve their ability in their sport. Olympic lifting is a sport and attempting to train athletes like Olympic weightlifters is often like putting a square per in a round hole. As I have often said, what makes a good Olympic weightlifter from a lever system standpoint may not make a great lineman or power forward. High Intensity Training I�ve included some information about high intensity training because at other points in the book I have referred to it by name. Although the system appears to have a limited basis in exercise physiology as I understand it, high intensity training has an extremely long history and a very loyal and dedicated following. Proponents range from professional strength and conditioning coaches who believe strongly in the original Nautilus philosophy of one set to momentary muscular failure done on a circuit of 12 to 15 machines to guys like Ken Leistner and Stuart McRobert who advocate a similar philosophy based around basic free weight movements. I probably have more in common with these folks and have been more heavily influenced by them, than I would like to admit. The problem with this type of system is that there is a zeal that borders on fanaticism. My feeling is that the work of exercise physiologists in the area of stretch-shortening cycle and the force velocity curve make this stance difficult to defend. I believe that a sound training program will take strength ideas from powerlifting, power ideas from Olympic lifting, speed ideas from track, and injury prevention concepts from physical therapy. In any case the most important point in program design is to choose a system that you understand and choose exercises that you are comfortable teaching. Being able to take that knowledge and use it to design a program is another thing entirely. The key to being able to design great programs is being able to filter information. I firmly believe that the more time you can spend with your athletes, the better the results will be. Some coaches may prefer three sessions per week, but I believe that program design is easiest and most efficient in a four day program. Four-Day Training Programs Training four times a week is the gold standard in training programs and, in a perfect world.

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Another cause of acute cough in children that can be potentially life threaten ing is the inspiration of a foreign body (6) anxiety kills discount venlafaxine online visa. This particular etiology should be on top of a differential list anxiety symptoms 4 days buy discount venlafaxine 75mg online, especially with children 6 months to anxiety questionnaire for adolescent buy genuine venlafaxine on line 3 years of age. As with adults, there may be acute cough as an indicator of the onset of a more chronic condition in a child. Congenital malformation, reactive airway disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis, congestive heart failure and gastroesophageal reflux disease need to be kept in the differential diagnosis of a child with acute cough (18). These conditions tend to produce a more chronic cough in children and are discussed in Chapter 14. As with all other evaluations, this approach consists of history and physical exam. In addition, keeping in mind the estimated frequency of conditions, based on the epidemiological data as well as clinical experience is key to a successful diagnosis (6,9). Most patients who present to their physician with a cough of less than 3 weeks� duration, rhinorrhea, sneezing, nasal obstruction, postnasal drip, with or without fever, lacrimation, irritation of their throat, and a normal chest exam will most likely have a viral respiratory infection (6,8,9). In the diagnosis of a patient with acute cough, the important questions become the following: 1. Is this acute cough is a symptom of something that may be life threatening to the patient Is this a high-risk patient for which I have to look at less common causes for acute cough The evaluation of the seriousness of a patient�s condition begins as the soon as the practitioner enters the room with observations such as the patient�s dispo sition, breathing pattern, and speech patterns (Table 3). High-risk patients, such as the very young, elderly, nursing home patients, and the immunocompromised, receive an automatic high index of suspicion for a more in-depth look. Normal history questions should include: past medical history (conditions, medications, hospitalizations, and so on); recent immunizations (pneumovax, influenza); and social history (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, recent travel, occupation, environmental exposures). Red flags in the history of present illness and physical exam such as fever, shortness of breath, orthopnea, tachypnea, tachycardia, pleu ritic chest pain, rales, rhonchi, mucopurulent nasal discharge, sinus pain and pressure, and mental status changes should trigger further exploration beyond the simple clinical evaluation. Complete blood count, Chem 7, and chest X-rays would be warranted in many cases to determine if a more malevolent process than the common cold is at work. It cannot be overstressed that ruling out pneumonia is a primary objective in evaluating high-risk adults. In the case of infants and children important information to find out in the history would include prenatal and birth history, growth and development, hos pitalizations, immunizations, day care attendance, exposure to infectious agents, family history, antibiotic treatment within the previous month, recent travel, recent choking episodes and changes in feeding, and sleeping and diapering patterns (6,17,18). Red flags on the physical exam that warrant further investi gation would be fever, cyanosis, pallor, dehydration, tachycardia, grunting, nasal Chapter 13 / Acute Cough 167 Table 3 Signs and Symptoms of a Life-Threatening Cough Adults/children Infants/young children Position�lying down/sitting As in adults, when history and physical exam indicate it, complete blood count, Chem 7, and chest X-rays would be helpful in determining the more serious causes of cough, especially pneumonia. Even when randomized, control trials treating adults and children with acute cough had significant results, the effect size was small, there was doubt of clinical relevance, or there were conflicting results between trials in each medication group (8,19,20). Most preparations, however, appear to be safe based on those studies reporting side effects (8,19,20). Despite the predominately viral cause of acute cough, antibiotics are fre quently prescribed to children and adults (4,10,11). At times, patients expect and demand a medicine that will alleviate or end their symptoms and many times practitioners give into this pressure. Antibiotic prescriptions for acute bronchitis, which are primarily viral and cause an acute cough illness, range from 50to 80% (11). Meta-analysis of these trials report no impact of antibiotics on illness duration, activity limitation, or work loss, but have shown that the inhaled bronchodilator albuterol decreases the duration of the cough (8,10,11). Figure 1 shows one proposed algorithm for the evaluation and management of adults with acute cough illness (10). In allergic rhinitis/environmental irritant, the simple treatment is avoiding the offending allergens or agents and using an antihistamine, such as loratidine, to alleviate symptoms (9). In acute bacterial sinusitis, treatment includes dexbrompheniramine plus pseu doephedrine, oxymetazoline and an antibiotic directed against S. In acute bronchitis, it is recommended to treat acute cough with dextromethorphan or codeine, a bronchodilator, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or acetami nophen for pain relief. Because one of the most common causes of acute cough is the influenza virus, a flu vaccine will help prevent the condition in the first place.

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