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By: Tristram Dan Bahnson, MD

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While children are less likely to suffer a spinal injury than adults hypertension and exercise purchase 40mg lasix otc, when a child does sustain such an in jury arrhythmia 10 order 40mg lasix with mastercard, the risk of an associated neurological lesion is much higher than for adults normal blood pressure chart uk purchase discount lasix online. The incidence of spinal cord injury is around 30� 40/1,000,000 inhabitants [9, 22]. Another study on cervical spine injuries found that these occurred less frequently in children under 11 than in adults, but were associated with a high mortality. The incidence of cervical spine injuries in over-11-year olds matches that in adults and was cited as 74/1,000,000 of the popula tion/year [16]. Fractures at the thoracic level are commonest in this age Etiology group, but rarely occur at this site in adults Traffic accidents and falls from a great height are the predominant causes of injury in children under 10 years [7, 16, 21]. In our own investiga to the fact that the thorax is much more elastic in children tion [14], the sporting activity that resulted in (severe) and adolescents than in adults. A second frequency peak spinal injuries was skiing in 33% of cases, swimming for the pediatric age group was observed for the thoraco in 13%, horse riding and gymnastics both in 12% of cases, lumbar junction, where most of the adult fractures also mountaineering in 8%, paragliding in 4% and diving in occur. An increased frequency of accidents has Classification also been reported for trampolining [4]. The risk of spinal A special feature of pediatric spinal trauma is traumatic injuries during skiing is higher in adolescence than either paraplegia without any detectable changes on the x-ray before or after this period [23]. Such appear to involve an increased risk of spinal injuries (in injuries are not included in the usual classifications since contrast with injuries to the upper extremities) as the they do not produce any radiographically visible lesion. The injuries with radiographically visible frac Localization tures can be classified as for adult fractures. The principal sites of injury in adults are the lower cervi cal spine and the thoracolumbar junction (T11�L3. With the exception of vertebral fractures are subdivided according to the mechanism bodies T11 and T12, fractures of the thoracic section are of injury [15]: extremely rare. By contrast, in our own study [20] with A: Compression 51 children and adolescents with 113 fractures we found B: Distraction that the thoracic spine was actually the most frequently C: Torsion affected site of injury ( Fig. In particu Type Features lar, the presence or absence of any instability can then be established with a (careful) functional x-ray in inclination A: Compression and reclination. A 1: Impaction Radiographs of the thoracic and lumbar spine are eas 3 ier to evaluate than those of the cervical spine. Compres A 2: Split fracture sion fractures can be differentiated from wedge vertebrae A 3: Burst fracture in Scheuermann disease since the endplate of compressed B: Distraction vertebral bodies tends to overlap the anterior edge slightly. Moreover, the intervertebral disk space is normal in con B 1: Distraction with transosseous injury trast with the situation in Scheuermann�s disease. One B 2: Distraction with intra-articular injury should not overlook injuries of the vertebral arches and pedicles (type B and type C fractures. The latter is evidence of a (usually C 2: Rotational + type B severe) torsion injury. Over half of the type A injuries of soft tissue injuries in those patients with neurological were pure compression fractures (A 1. In addition, meticulous neurologi in adults, they are more commonly associated with cal examination is required [1]. The chances of recovery are particularly those of the cervical spine, is not always easy. On the one hand, a distinction needs to be made between incomplete ossification, particularly in the upper cervical Of 174 children with spinal injuries 45% had a neu spine, and fractures or even pseudarthroses. Os odontoideum is common and can be mistaken more recent study confirms the high rate of neurological for a dens fracture [17]. On the other hand, the relatively improvement following severe traumatic pediatric spinal substantial mobility of the upper cervical spine also needs cord injury [24]. The anterior subluxation of the Children with permanent neurological lesions are at 2nd vertebral body over the 3rd is normal up to the age of great risk of scoliosis formation. In 55 prepubertal chil 8, and the gap between the dens and atlas arch can be over dren and 75 adolescents significant scoliosis occurred 3 mm in small children. Children with However, genuine tears of the transverse ligament neurological lesions should therefore be supported with with atlantoaxial subluxation also occur [10]. The inter a brace even before any scoliosis has become pronounced pretation of cervical x-rays is hampered by the fact that [1, 5]. This is particularly the case when the growth zone Provided no neurological lesion is present, temporary im of an endplate is affected.

Slight hyperextension at the knee and hip also allows patients to stand and walk without quadriceps activity arteria recurrens ulnaris order generic lasix on-line, since the ligaments stabilize the joints passively arteria 90 entupida lasix 100mg without prescription. Since the pelvis tilts forward during hyperextension at the hip hypertension lisinopril purchase generic lasix line, the lumbar spine adopts a lordotic posture by way of compensation. Because of the lack of any counter ing muscle tension, the spine collapses into a position of extreme lordosis. The spine has completely collapsed in just under two years Definition Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an x-linked hereditary disorder. The ability to walk is lost around the age of 10 and life expectancy is between 25 and 30 years. These days, heart failure rather than pulmonary insufficiency is the limiting factor. Historical background, etiology and pathogenesis this form of muscular dystrophy was first described by Duchenne in 1861 and occurs in 30/100,000 neonatal males. Duchenne dystrophy involves a gene defect that leads to an underproduction of a protein that is important for muscle function known as dystrophin. This protein is found in skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and the brain, and plays an important role in the excita tion of the muscle cell [18, 23]. The disease with slight equinus feet, largely extended knees and hips and lumbar hyperlordosis. This is typical of a standing position that does not manifests itself as muscle weakness, usually during the require much muscle power first five years of life. As the condition progresses, patients are Female carriers can, in rare cases, also show muscle no longer able to rise from the floor without help and symptoms in the form of calf cramps, calf hypertrophy use their arms to climb up the legs and stand up (Gow and muscle weakness in the legs, and sometimes even ers sign. Laboratory tests reveal a marked elevation in the cre the ability to walk and stand is lost around the age atinine kinase level. The dystrophin deficiency can also be 4 of 10 or 11, and the children then become confined to confirmed in the laboratory [3, 10]. In this phase the leg muscles are no longer of myopathy while the sonogram of the muscles appears adequately stretched and contractures occur. The muscle biopsy is the decisive diagnostic muscles also become increasingly weaker, involving the factor. Histological examination reveals a picture with risk of rapidly progressing scolioses ( Fig. The muscle Towards the end of the teens, the muscular dystrophy fibers show differing diameters, and the proportions of leads to progressive pulmonary insufficiency. The muscle volvement of the cardiac muscle is difficult to manage and fibers ultimately die. In addition to the striated ingly taken over by connective tissue, which becomes muscle, the smooth muscle also appears to be affected by correspondingly hypertrophic. Pa In terms of the differential diagnosis, Duchenne mus tients with muscular dystrophy are also associated with cular dystrophy must be differentiated from the Becker an increased bleeding tendency during surgeries, even type and from spinal muscular atrophy. One possible atrophy greatly resembles Duchenne muscular dystrophy, explanation is the involvement of vascular muscle and the but can affect both sexes and appears at an earlier age, with the result that patients are not even able to walk. The course of Becker muscular dystrophy is similar to that of Duchenne muscular dystrophy but the former progresses more slowly and has a better prognosis. Treatment and prognosis No causal treatment exists for Duchenne muscular dys trophy. Transplantation of normal myoblasts has proved ineffective [15], and gene therapy is still in the experi mental stage [12]. The orthopaedic treatment is aimed at preserving the ability to walk and stand for as long as pos sible and preventing contractures. Early surgical muscle and tendon lengthening procedures have been proposed as the statistics indicate that the loss of the ability to stand and walk can thereby be deferred [22, 30, 31]. The time gained is between 1 and 3 years, which is a significant period for these patients [28]. Like several authors [28] we also consider that these procedures, which combine lengthening of the hip abductors, knee flexors and triceps surae muscle, are indicated only when contractures start to interfere with everyday functions and the need for sur gery becomes apparent even to critical parents.

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Muscle Rest Periods Should Be Added to the Exercise Program � Monitor hypercapnia as an indicator for the need of a rest period arrhythmia for dummies purchase 100mg lasix visa. Medically and psychologically stable patients who require assistance around the clock blood pressure in pregnancy purchase generic lasix on-line, usually by tracheostomy route 2 arrhythmia cause order lasix online pills. It produces splint ing of the pharyngeal airway with positive pressure delivered through a nose mask. Patient Education � Prevents development of pneumonia, respiratory failure, and subsequent intubation and mechanical ventilation. Central ventilatory drive can be suppressed, and the normal hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction can be inhibited leading to a worsening V/Q mismatch. These processes can lead to a hypercapnia, and the risk of respiratory failure can be increased. Keep a Good Nutritional State � Respiratory muscle insufficiency can be exacerbated by hypokalemia. Instruct in Controlled Breathing Techniques Glossopharyngeal Breathing � this is a noninvasive method to support ventilation, and it can be used in the event of ventilator equipment failure. A mouthpiece may be used, or a nose piece may be provided, for larger volumes and when patients have weak oral muscles. Use Adequate Secretion-Management Techniques Manually Assisted Cough � the clinician�s or the assisting person�s heel of the hand or arm is placed at various sites along the anterior chest or abdomen to provide pressure and is coordinated with the patient�s coughing or expiratory effort. Suctioning � Should be done in conjunction with other secretion clearing techniques, or when other techniques fail to remove secretions appropriately. Mechanical Insufflator-Exsufflator � Most effective method of mechanical assistance for secretion clearance in paralyzed patients. Use Noninvasive Ventilation � Mechanically assisted ventilation provides respiratory muscle rest, decreasing the energy expenditure of the respiratory muscles. Positive Pressure Body Ventilators � Provide positive pressure on the abdomen to assist diaphragmatic cephalad movement, promoting expiration. When deflated, the diaphragm and the abdominal contents fall to resting position, resulting in passive inspiration. A trunk angle of 75� from the horizontal is optimal but may be used with 45� in some cases. Inspiration may be supplemented by the use of available inspiratory muscles and or glossopharyngeal breathing. Negative and Positive Pressure Body Ventilator � Rocking Bed � Rocks the patient along a vertical axis (15�30 degrees from the horizontal) utilizing the force of gravity to assist ventilation. Cephalad movement of the abdomi nal contents pushes the diaphragm up with production of positive pressure. Negative Pressure Ventilators � Create intermittent extrathoracic pressure over the chest wall and abdomen, helping inspiration. A negative pressure ventilator creates subatmo spheric pressure under the grid and wrap. Uses: in patients with scoliosis or with sensory deficits Disadvantages: difficult to don, decreased access to the body by the medical personnel; dif ficult to turn the patient � Cuirass or Chest Shell Ventilators � Firm shell that covers the chest and abdomen attached to a negative pressure ventilator that generates a subatmospheric pressure under the shell. Uncuffed Tracheostomy Tubes � Cuffed Tracheostomy Tube � Provides a good air seal, protects lower airways from aspiration, and prevents air leak ing through the upper airway. Non-Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tubes � Fenestrated Tubes � Good for patients who are able speak and require only intermittent ventilatory assistance � A continuous inner cannula can be used with an outer fenestrated cannula. The fenestra tions should lie within the lumen of the trachea and should not touch the tracheal wall (may develop granulation tissue around the holes and become clogged with secretions. If the patient wants to talk, a one-way talking valve may be used on the tracheos tomy tube. These devices open on inhalation and close during exhalation to produce phonation. Speaking Valves � Speaking tracheostomy tubes (eg, Portex �Talk� tube, Bivona Fome-cuff with side-port airway connector, Communi-trach) � Used in alert and motivated patients, who require an inflated cuff for ventilation and who have intact vocal cords and the ability to mouth words. Patients need to speak short sentences (because constant flow through the vocal cords can cause the voice to fade away. Creates #007 for ventilator positive closure feature use (only valve for ventilator) Montgomery One-way valve Fits standard 15-mm Silicone membrane is hinged; (Boston Medical hub or Boston cannula maintains open position Products, Inc.

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In this (rare) foot disorder arteria labialis superior discount 40 mg lasix with mastercard, after birth and is administered by a physical therapist on the changes in the rearfoot are absent blood pressure levels low too low discount lasix 40mg with visa, but the adduction an outpatient basis arteria zabrze purchase 40mg lasix otc. The mother should also be involved in of the forefoot is already present at birth in contrast with performing the corrective measures under the direction the common condition of acquired pes adductus. The of the physical therapist, who must have received meticu adduction may be accompanied by subluxation in the lous training in the Ponseti method. In our case, we do not use a cast in the very first days Treatment of life as this interferes with the close physical contact between the mother and child that is so important at this! Additionally, not only does the neonate have very has the treatment changed so fundamentally in thin and fragile skin, but it also grows very quickly at this recent years as in clubfoot, even though Ponseti�s stage and would thus require daily changing of the cast. We use long-leg casts for this extensive surgical peritalar reduction by means of purpose ( Fig. During the first year, it increases from an average of sure that the conservative Ponseti method with 7. It is much more suitable for preserving easily slip down � particularly if there is a strong equinus a mobile foot than procedures involving compre component � leading to pressure points. The treatment of a severe clubfoot consists of 4 phases, whereas phase 1 alone applies in a case of clubfoot pos ture, while phases 1�3 are sufficient for a normal, unprob lematic and effectively treated clubfoot. Corrective treatment the corrective treatment according to Ponseti involves manipulation of the forefoot deformity. The thumb of one hand stabilizes the talus from the lateral side, while the other hand pulls and supinates the forefoot. This manipulation reduces the navicular from its position of medial subluxation ( Fig. The formerly employed pronating correction of the forefoot should no longer be practiced as the foot will then be corrected in the wrong direction. Under no circumstances should an attempt be made thumb of one hand stabilizes the talus from the lateral side and val to correct the forefoot in the direction of dorsal exten gizes the calcaneum, while the other hand pulls and supinates the sion. Since the Achilles tendon is stronger than the forefoot and thus reduces the navicular bone 381 3 3. The weight saving offered by the latter compared to normal plaster is of secondary importance in these small infants. Although it is softer than plaster, can be removed by the mother and does not require a cast saw, it is not very good at retaining the foot position and wrinkling of the cast can lead to pressure points. As an alternative to the combination of physical ther apy and cast, physical therapy alone is employed in some centers, allegedly with good results. In France, a brace that exerts traction on the calcaneus has been developed, Fig. Lateral x-ray of the foot of a 6-month old boy with an while a �continuous passive motion� device is even used incorrectly treated clubfoot that has developed into a rocker-bottom elsewhere. As a result of correction of the forefoot in a cranial direction, not proved particularly positive. The calcaneus is elevated and slopes downward in a dorsal We re-assess the situation at the age of around 2 to ventral direction, whereas the forefoot rises up and the center of months: We clinically evaluate the position of the fore the foot is the lowest point, producing a crescent-shaped foot that foot, the subluxation of the navicular and the equinus resembles a �rocker bottom� sole component and repeat the Pirani classification. If the corrective treatment has not managed to restore a completely normal situation (which is usually only possible with the �clubfoot pos ture�), we consider surgery to be indicated. The use of botulinum toxin has been advocated as an alternative to surgical Achilles tendon lengthening [1]. The initial reports are encouraging, but it is too early to assess the value of this treatment. Achilles tendon lengthening is indicated if the midfoot score is less than 1 in the Pirani classification. In experienced hands, this should be the case in 90% of the feet after 5 or less casts [28]. For our part, we prefer per cutaneous (or open) cutting of the tendon medially and laterally at two different levels, because of concerns about overcorrection or a pes calcaneus position. At any rate, this is a procedure with minimal morbidity that can be performed on an outpatient basis or with 1-2 days hospi talization.